Hello, Hello & Welcome!
I have started every class I have taught over the last 7 plus years at the BG5 Business Institute with my "Hello, Hello" Welcome! I love what I do!
I wanted to take a moment to share my life and my history with you so you can get a sense of what I do and why I do what I do.
Everything I have done in my life has lead me to this moment in time when the world is dramatically changing before our eyes. My mission is to be a beacon of hope in these times of crisis, to teach people how to adapt and thrive in these dramatically changing times by showing them how to naturally see what is correct for them and aligning them with uniqueness of who they truly are.
The world needs empowered leaders, now more than ever. When a leader is aligned with their true spirit, they can have a tremendous impact on the lives of many.
I have a vision of a world where people are doing what they love and loving what they do both personally and professionally. A world where each person is proud of their own unique contribution to the world and humanity. A world were communication overcomes heartship and trauma to support and empower the greatness in all of us.
My Story
Living By Design - An Owners Manual for Life
What if you had an owner’s manual for your life?
What if you could look at a chart and know your Life Work, how you are designed to best use your energy and most importantly how you are literally designed to make decisions.
Seems impossible doesn’t it.
I spent most of my life thinking there was something wrong with me and trying to fix myself.
Little did I know that this owner’s manual and map actually do exist and all I needed to do was follow my gut response, wait for clarity and life would take me exactly where I needed to go.
But I am getting ahead of myself….
Let me back up and share with you how I learned to live by design.
Karen as Kermit the Frog in 3rd Grade
Colorado Native - First Leadership Role
I am a true US Colorado Native. In fact my mom still lives in the same house I grew-up in since I was three years old. I am the eldest of three girls – thus I was the responsible one. My Dad always wanted me to follow in his footsteps as an attorney – but I wanted to be an actress.
I remember laying in bed listening to story records like the Muppet Musicians of Brennen and imagining in my head acting out each of the roles. I could not wait to get the third grade. Once you got to third grade you got to act in a play!
You can imagine how deeply disappointed I was when I finally got to third grade and realized there were no plans to put on a performance. For me - That just simply wouldn’t do.
I followed my gut, asked the right questions and before I knew it I had enrolled my 3 grade teachers into supporting me in putting on a performance of "The Muppet Musicians of Brennen."
The entire class worked together to make the set and the customs and I was the director and played Kermit the frog who narrated the story in my first stage performance.
This is one of my first memories of utilizing my strengths of Inspiration and Interaction in a leadership position to bring people together and create something new.
Speech Communication & Traveling in Up With People
I won a speech contest in Jr High School and went on to study Speech Communication and Broadcasting at Colorado State University. I was part of my college program board that brought lectures, concerts and special events to campus such as the Beach Boys, Amy Grant, Chicago. I lead the Video committee and help start a new entertainment newspaper on campus.
We also sponsored a group called Up With People. They were performing at the Super Bowl that year and they were interviewing students to join the cast. Of course I couldn’t resist. My gut said YES - Performing and traveling around the world? I’m In!!
I followed my gut and ended up traveling and performing around the world in an international cast of Up With People. I went back and worked for them doing PR and traveled with the cast as part of the management staff. Building bridges of peace and understand among people of all nations.
This experience helped me tremendously as I now train and work with international consultants, busiensses and clients from around the world.
After finishing my degree following my gut led me moving to Hollywood where I worked at ABC Television in the on-air promotion depart as a Production Coordinator. I still use my experiences working at ABC in my trainings of OC16 which deals with communication and leadership in large groups and organizations.
Karen performing in
Up With People
Backpacking Around Europe & Becoming a Self-Help Junkie
I had always dreamed about backpacking around Europe on my own. It was a hard decision to give up this job I loved in Hollywood, but my gut said yes! Time to go on an adventure. I quit my job at ABC and backpacked around Europe for a year.
It was an inward spiritual journey as well as outer adventure.
One day I was meditating – I saw a yellow diamond in the center of my chest with a connection to my throat and the message I received was – “Find the People who know what this means.”
I spent the next 20 year searching. What is this yellow diamond? And who are the people who know what this means?
I searched in Boston where I lived for 4 years, I worked on the Management Staff at Landmark Education, I researched and studied all types of personal development tools and read tons of "self-help" books. I began graduate work in Counseling Psychology and also became a certified coach. As much as life seemed to flow, I never felt good enough, attractive enough, smart enough. I kept searching for answers and investigating different ideas and methods for self-improvement becoming a "Self-Help Junkie." but nothing I found really "worked" with long term lasting results.
Computer Instructor & Finding Human Design/BG5
I moved back to Denver. Met my amazing husband Scott and several years later got married and helped raise his two sons through high school.
At that time I worked for IBM and Fred Pryor Seminars as a computer application instructor traveling and teaching in 49 of 50 states in the US. I trained public seminars and provided onsite training for government institutions, military bases, large corporations such as Exxon Mobil, Hallmark and Microsoft as well as non-profits like Goodwill. I also developed several new courses with all the course materials as well as being a pioneer in their first webinars and online trainings. I also did trainings locally through my own training company.
This experience gave me years of experience teaching, training and developing courses and content as a pioneering authority. Teaching computer applications is in many ways similar to teaching someone about their individual Career Design. We have the hardware (our physical bodies), but it is understanding how to use the software (our aware consciousness) that is key. Just as the people I trained were under utilizing the software programs and wasting lots of time and energy - we as individuals are under utilizing our own potential. With learning the tips, tricks and shortcuts of your own career design you can save tons of energy and time and avoid a lot of frustration and anger.
By this time I had completely given up on “finding the people” who know what this yellow diamond means... Until one day when I was hosting a webinar on my on Women's Small Business Network and I was shown for the very first time my Human Design Chart. And guess what I saw in the center of that chart? You guess it – a yellow diamond.
Becoming a Founding Director and Instructor at the BG5 Business Institute
I have been studying, working and teaching BG5/Human Design non-stop now for over a decade.
I fell in love with the Business Application of the Human Design System know as BG5. I am designed to create new things, not from scratch but based on the foundation of the old and with the serendipity of being at the right place at the right time I had the amazing opportunity to be a founding Director with the creation of the BG5 Business Institute. Just like I did a Fred Pryor Seminars, I had the opportunity to be a pioneer in the information by creating and perfecting the curriculum, teaching the courses, training instructors and using this information with leaders from around the world.
This system literally gave me an owner’s manual and map for my life and how I could live more fully in every moment - loving, trusting, and accepting myself. This sparked my passion to share this information with as many people as possible.
It is amazing that my true decision-making strategy of following my gut and waiting for clarity is the secret to the magical happenings of my life.
Every personal assessment tool I looked at and studied was about mentally fixing what I thought was wrong in me. This was the first system that gave me confirmation that there was nothing wrong with me - I was perfect the way I am, and I had been doing things right all along.
I truly found my own Owner’s Manual for Life in the Yellow Diamond that I had searched for for 20 year and I am now Living and working by design – devouring life – following my gut – waiting for clarity and allowing the magic of life to unfold.
Let me help you do the same!
I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.